CornerHouse Briefing: Pursuing Justice Together
upcoming training dates:
Stay tuned for upcoming dates!
What is the CornerHouse Briefing?
The CornerHouse Briefing is a free program offered each quarter to multidisciplinary team members. The Briefing shares information to help you partner effectively with CornerHouse in the joint pursuit of justice, and ensure those visiting CornerHouse have the best possible experience.
What happens when a young person or vulnerable adult walks through the doors at CornerHouse? We will take you through the person-centered, in-depth process.
• Hear about our history, mission, and vision
• Step through our intake criteria and referral process
• See a multidisciplinary team (MDT) role play. Watch a taped forensic interview and learn about the CornerHouse Forensic Interview Protocol™
• Connect with other MDT members
• Ask questions in a comfortable environment
• Learn how CornerHouse Family Services can help promote healing and break the cycle of abuse
• Tour of the facility, including all spaces utilized by team members and families
Who should attend a CornerHouse Briefing?
All multidisciplinary team members (prosecutors, law enforcement officers, child/adult protection workers, other investigators, victim advocates, mental health providers, medical personnel), volunteers, other seasoned professionals – all are welcome!
For more information, please contact the External Relations Coordinator at 612-444-1164 or