Keep EVERY Child Safe:
Child Abuse Prevention Training

1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will experience some type of abuse or maltreatment by the age of 18. And it happens to children of all ages.

90% of abuse happens at the hands of someone the child knows - at home, sleepovers, sports, camps, carpools, in teen relationships, and more. Learn how to improve a child’s safety when you can’t always be with them.

Assuming that it can't or won't happen to the children in your circle is an unsafe bet. You have the power to keep kids safe.

Learn more about CornerHouse Prevention by watching the video below:

CornerHouse is proud to offer a 1-hour empowering & interactive workshop that will help you:

  • Identify and Respond to Concerns and Potential Threats

  • Talk to Children about Body Safety

  • Implement and Reinforce Safety Strategies

  • Create Healthy Boundaries

  • Address Online Safety

Interested? Contact Stacey Jensen at

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask us about additional topics that we train on including Online Safety, Healthy Teen Relationships, Permission/Consent, and more!

CornerHouse’s Prevention Training is made possible by:


Tips for Keeping Kids Safe

In cases of child sexual abuse, approximately 90% of victims know their abuser. These tips will help you guard against potential dangers, understand warning signs, and help your child understand personal boundaries.