Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) are an essential component of the response to child sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect. At CornerHouse, advocacy services, forensic interviewing, and therapy each use a trauma-informed protocol in efforts to prevent and respond to instances of maltreatment of children. Such efforts extend to every interaction with the children and caregivers at a CAC, including those at the front door and in our lobby.
Read More“The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that public schools can be held liable for their hiring practices after a Minneapolis charter school didn’t perform a thorough background check and hired a teacher and sports instructor with a history of sexual assault allegations.”
What does this decision impact? Learn more about this MN Supreme Court Ruling as you read our most recent white paper written by Training Director, Jane Straub.
Read MoreJanuary is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. At CornerHouse we want to provide accurate information that will help us to recognize and respond to trafficking.
Read MoreTalking to children and adolescents about safety with new technology is crucial to ensure they use devices and digital tools responsibly, securely, and respectfully. Here are some tips on how to approach the conversation for any new technology gifts this holiday season:
Read MoreThere has been a great deal of research and discussion in recent decades about the impact of trauma on children and the ways in which support can be provided to children who have experienced trauma. However, many of the studies and resources currently available do not fully consider the extent to which neurodivergent children and children with disabilities both experience trauma differently from neurotypical and non-disabled children and often require different types and levels of support following trauma.
Read MoreHalloween is a fun-filled time for kids and adults alike! Here are some simple ways to make sure this year’s trick-or-treating outing stays safe.
Read MoreProfessionals in the field of victim services often have conversations among their peers and with community members about solutions for preventing domestic violence from happening. Working with adult survivors of domestic violence and those who use violence reveals something clear: Many of them experienced abuse, neglect, or witnessed violence as children. It is apparent that abuse can happen on a generational cycle.
Read MoreSchools will be providing youth with information on internet safety, but that conversation should be supplemented and reinforced at home too!
Read MoreCornerHouse Children’s Advocacy Center announces, with deep appreciation, the departure of two esteemed board members, John Marti and Karin Keitel, who have served tirelessly on the board of directors for the past nine years.
Read MoreAs a Child Advocacy Center, CornerHouse is dedicated to serving the needs of children and families affected by abuse, maltreatment and violence, but what happens when a child grows up before disclosing?
Read MoreSince 1983, the month of April has been declared National Child Abuse Prevention Month. At CornerHouse, our work every day is dedicated to serving children, vulnerable adults and families who may have experienced abuse or neglect. Therefore, we are asking you to prepare for April’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month! So, why is it so important to bring awareness to this event?
Read MorePlease welcome Christy Shannon, our new Chief Executive Officer!
Read MorePlease help us to commemorate the 20th anniversary of National Stalking Awareness Month this January and the inaugural Stalking Awareness Day of Action January 18th, 2024 by learning more about the true criminality of stalking and the devastating impact it has on victims.
Read MoreAlthough some stress and anxiety may be manageable for our children, we do want to be on the lookout for times that we notice our little kids with BIG emotions and our big kids with BIG emotions. Children and adolescents do experience stress and may need some support through change, transitions, and new experiences.
Read MoreAs a parent, caregiver or a trusted adult in a child’s life, it is our responsibility to provide information that children and adolescents need. That sometimes includes information and conversations that may seem scary or uncomfortable.
Read MoreCornerHouse has 2 bills proposed during this legislative session which will help us expand our infrastructure and programming to serve more children. We need your help to get these passed!
Read MoreWe know that many children have been exposed to or witnessed violence in person or technology (on-line, TV or social media). We also know that children may overhear adults discussing gun violence, school shootings and other types of violence. This can cause fear and anxiety for children of all ages including adolescents. Youth who feel unsafe may start to show symptoms of stress.
Read MoreAs a parent, one of our most primal fears is that of not being able to find our child. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children “stranger” abductions are very rare: 1% of all cases of missing children involve a stranger that “takes” a child.
Read MoreCornerHouse, a Minneapolis child abuse organization, implements abuse prevention programming amidst record demand for services
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