Keep Kids Safe During Halloween
Halloween is a fun-filled time for kids and adults alike! Here are some simple ways to make sure this year’s trick-or-treating outing stays safe.
Wear Reflective Gear
Wear reflective vests, hats, or other gear to ensure visibility when Trick-or-Treating in the evening. Additionally, bring flashlights to help you see after dark.
Travel in Groups
Find a friend, or a group of friends, and travel together. Traveling in groups can help you and your friends stay safe.
Go in a Neighborhood You know
Trick-or-treat in a familiar neighborhood. Have a plan for where you will start and stop, and where to meet up if separated.
Watch for Signs that Something is Wrong
Speak up if you see or hear inappropriate behavior toward a child. Take steps to protect a child that appears to be in danger.
Meet Your Neighbors
Adults, take this opportunity to meet your neighbors. It is always good to know who lives around you and your children. Neighbors who know and feel connected to each other are more likely to pay attention to things that may be wrong and take proper action if needed.
Candy Safety
Be sure to examine your child’s candy loot for any food item that is unwrapped, out of the wrapper or wrappers that may be open or ripped. Remove any candy that may contain potential choking hazards for young children. Separate candy or food items that may be a source of allergy for your child. Most importantly parents, limit YOUR consumption of your child’s candy!
Have Fun
It's easy to have fun when you have the tools to feel safe! Enjoy trick-or-treating with your friends and family this Halloween!