Human Trafficking Prevention Month


Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Written by: Stephanie Randolph

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. At CornerHouse we want to provide accurate information that will help us to recognize and respond to trafficking.

Although there are many informational resources related to sexual human trafficking, we continue to find sources that perpetuate myths and misinformation; some reputable and not. Why does this matter? Because when we focus on myths and misinformation, we miss the true risk.

While there are numerous myths that could be discussed, this paper will focus on two. The first is that the vast majority of sex trafficking victims are female. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2022 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons noted that male victims account for about 40% of all trafficking victims. While this report includes both labor and sex trafficking, other research indicates that boys are being sex trafficked at a much higher rate than previously believed. In some studies, it has been shown to be as high as 50%. Determining accurate statistics can be challenging because males are less likely than females to identify themselves as victims, are less likely to reach out for help, and very few programs are designed to give support to male victims. Creating accurate and inclusive screening and identification for all genders is imperative to recognize all victims.

The second and more sensational myth is that traffickers violently abduct children or youth, chain them up, and force them into trafficking against their will. Actually many victims are trafficked by someone they know; often a romantic partner (28%) or a caregiver/parent (33%). The partner or caregiver leverages their already existing relationship with the victim to manipulate them into having sex with someone else for money or goods. Conversely, abducted children garner media attention, Amber Alerts and a law enforcement response. Some victims meet their traffickers online and are manipulated into quickly forming an attachment to that person. These are often already vulnerable children reaching out for online friendships and connection. Other times, traffickers may target bus stops, greyhound stations, youth shelters, etc. where they may encounter runaway youth or youth with no place to go. Traffickers look to manipulate a runaway youth’s instability, lack of food and shelter and promise a better life. Runaway youth are sometimes invisible in our society. This is especially true if the child is black, brown, or native; one reason why youth of color are significantly more likely to be trafficked than their white peers. Other youth that are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked includes (but not limited to) youth in foster care or have a history with CPS, youth in the juvenile justice system, youth with substance abuse issues and/or mental health issues, and LGBTQ+ youth.

While it is true that many children who are trafficked do not feel like they can leave the situation, they are typically not kept locked and chained up like some media may display. In understanding why victims do not just leave their trafficker it is vital to understand the relationship the traffickers forge with their victims. Traffickers know that it is easier to gain compliance when a victim feels some kind of attachment than just by physical force alone. To be clear, traffickers are typically violent once the victim is in their control, but they often use less forceful tactics to gain that trust, such as providing for basic needs such as love, money, shelter, and the promise of a better life. Because of this, many victims do not see themselves as victims and believe they are choosing the life. Youth often feel that being with their trafficker is better than life in foster care, with an abusive caregiver, or they are able to make money to provide for their family. Eventually they are so entwined emotionally, psychologically, and financially with their trafficker that they feel trapped when they do want to leave.

So, what can we do about this? While any global scale solution is multilayered, complex, and beyond the scope of this paper there are some smaller, there are some everyday solutions that can limit a youth's vulnerability. For example, as professionals we can work to identify vulnerable youth and try to provide resources and support that is culturally appropriate and fits the needs of the individual. If a child has run away, ask them questions about what caused them to run away and what happened while they were gone. If you are the caregiver, relative, or important person in a youth's life, talk to them about trafficking and give them accurate information to help equip them to identify red flags. Provide care and support while setting boundaries. For more info on how to talk to the youth in your life about trafficking see these resources: · Department of Human Services Blue Campaign: How to Talk to Youth About Human Trafficking: A Guide for Youth Caretakers and Individuals Working with Youth · National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: Your Role in Child Sex Trafficking Prevention

Additional Resources

· National Human Trafficking Hotline (English and Spanish):

· Polaris Project:

StrongHearts Native Helpline | Home

Baird, K and Connolly, J. (2023) “Recruitment and Entrapment Pathways of Minors into Sex Trafficking in Canada and the United States: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, Vol. 24, pp. 189-202.

Polaris Project. (2024). Child Sex Trafficking.

Roe-Sepowitz, D. (2019) “A six-year analysis of sex traffickers of minors: exploring characteristics and sex trafficking patterns.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 608-629.

UD Department of Justice. (2020). Human Trafficking. US Federal Government.

US Department of State (June 2023) “Overlooked for Too Long: Boys and Human Trafficking.” Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.
