We've Launched a New Website and Logo!

CornerHouse launches new branding and website

We are pleased to present a new logo, brand, and website to the public.

This new logo features our iconic house imagery, but with a modern update to reflect CornerHouse's ever-evolving work. The tree in the middle of the house symbolizes the new beginnings, growth, and hope we aim to provide to the youth and families we serve every day.

A note from our Executive Director:

"CornerHouse began as an actual house on the corner of a neighborhood in South Minneapolis. For over 30 years, our house has been the place where children share their experiences and families come to heal.

The people who have worked in our house have made incredible contributions to the field of forensic interviewing and influenced how Minnesota, the United States, and countries across the world understand the importance of forensic interviewing.

All of this happened in a house on a corner of South Minneapolis.

Through this rebrand, we wanted to honor that history, while bringing forward the mental health and advocacy that is critical in helping families heal.

I am so excited to share our new branding and website with you all. We began this rebranding process over a year ago and worked with our staff, board, and community to develop a new and welcoming website and logo that represents past, present, and future our organization  the healing we aim to provide for youth who have experienced abuse."

Mitzi Hobot

Our new website brings client and caregiver resources front and center, while providing an accessible experience for every user.

Check out our new website to explore our new brand in action.

Special thanks to our designer, Lucie Skjefte Design for our new logo and brand.
